2001-07-05 11:17 a.m.
update (1:30pm)
I should mention that my internet pseudonym is feda! now this entry is pure gold!

July 4th, the day the united states gained their freedom, and more importantly, the day I gained a day off from work, and just for being an american! Raevyn and I, being the geniuses we are, headed up to secluded spot that is reachable only by car, or by foot if you know how to use a crosswalk, to watch the fireworks display. So we arrived at the secluded spot, along with 80 other ``geniuses'', plopped down on the grass and laid out our picnic. On the menu was korean chicken, hot dogs, potato salad and spam musubi. musubi is basically a lump of rice wrapped in seaweed. spam musubi is a lump of rice with a slice of spam wrapped in seaweed.

john powers mentioned in a recent entry of his that hawaii is the united state's greatest consumer of spam. this is true. spam is as hawaiian as hating white people. did you know that %80 of all hawaiian music is about food?*

anyway, we sat and watched and listened to the other people ooohh and aaahh at the big impressive fireworks. raevyn and i ooohh'ed and aaahh'ed at the small fire works so they wouldn't feel left out. we even cheered for the duds,``good effort!''

I reckon we were a good 9 FSUs away from the site where the fireworks were being launched at. an FSU, or ``Feda Sound Unit'' is how many seconds, or ``Feda Time Units'' i could count between the visual appearance of the explosion and it's loud report. Use of Feda measurement units for important scientific work is strongly encouraged.

* figure obtained from Feda's scientific number repository. not based on actual facts or scientific evidence.