2001-09-04 2:05 p.m.
me not funny!
My thanks to all the diary addicts that proved to me that some things actually do rhyme with "exploding head." Now if someone dies and "exploding head" is determined as the cause of their untimely demise, the departed's loved ones will be able to compose a rhyming eulogy using the phrases you all have provided in my guestbook.

I have an idea. Like most great ideas of our time this idea was conceived in a garage alongside Steve Wozniak. But unlike most great ideas of our time this idea was actually conceived at my desk and I don't know who the hell Steve Wozniak is but he's got a funny name. Ok I don't really have an idea I just wanted to make fun of Steve Wozniak. While i'm at it i'm going to make fun of fishjizz and his lawless horde of guestbook tramps. consider yourselves made fun of.

Raevyn and I have been trying to come up with a cool domain name to register but as it turns out im actually not at all creative so instead of coming up with a cool domain name that pays homage to Matt Groening's Futurama like, im going to file a wrongful death suit agains and have their domain name transfered into my custody. why does everyone have all the good ideas before I get a chance to have them?

I wish i could go back in time and think of the Wookie before george lucas did. Wookies single handedly sold the star wars franchise and george knows it! If i controlled the rights to the Wookie I'd use it to create the worlds most advances operating system: Wookie XP and then id order wookies to capture Bill Gates and throw him in the Sarlaac Pit where his body would be digested over the course of 10 millenia!!!11