2001-10-24 9:57 a.m.
turtle power
i'm going to the dentist soon so i need to get some important things done before i leave. here's my list of things i need to do:

1/ make diary entry
2/ check guestbook
3/ take a test to find out if i'm sluttier than Jel-E
4/ check guestbook

my sister is coming over from washington where she works on a crabbing boat or something. she's going to take shelly, my brother and i out for my birthday. i wonder if she'll smell like cows. or crabs.

shelly got me a new shirt yesterday and it's really great! its blue and has a bunch of cartoon turtles on it and they are all wearing rubber slippers. they call themselves the rubber slipper gang and they are the most feared and misunderstood turtles in the world. they don't know karate so naturally the ninja turtles would pwn them but they could hold their own against a large group of smelly hippies.