2002-09-11 2:15 p.m.
The Great Mouse Detective (no not really)
fycking telephone bill!!1 Why doesn't Verizon ever send me thank-you cards or invitations to parties where there's free food for me to eat? Instead all they do is give my house the ability to recieve faxes from people that want me to buy their trucks! And I bet you the trucks don't even come filled with bananas! It's enough to make you want to light thier balls on fire and then kick the flames out with a Los Angeles class submarine.

Speaking of Los Angeles (awesome segue!!) I went there with Raevyn and it rocked the socks right off of my feet and off the feet of several bystanders as well to their dismay, but to the joy of a few no-longer-sockless-look-at-me-now-pricks! homeless people. I attended a course there on a subject way less entertaining than How to Build a R.O.B.O.T. Vagina out of Things in Your Kitchen but educational nonethemore. See, who says men aren't comfortable saying the word vagina? I've already said it three times today and two of those times were in meetings where I pretended like I meant to say Virginia:

Me: "Boy, I sure do like to have sex with a Vagina!"
Outraged Coworkers: "WHAT!!!??"
Me: "What? I hear the weather is nice out there in the state of Virginia."

HAHAHAHAH! Suckers!. After my week long course finished up we stayed at my brother and his girlfriend's apartment in Koreatown. That's right, Koreatown. For those of you who aren't shocked by my brother living in a place called Koreatown I apologize for re-emphasizing it. The first thing I did when I got to their place was fix both of thier computers. Geek power!!1 HAHA, just kidding, geeks have no power. We're powerless just like park rangers are powerless compared to power rangers who are parkless. Their cat would attack us while we slept but that's OK because who knows how many tiny trolls living in the wall it killed to protect us! Most likely 0. But perhaps 4!

We all went to a Major League Soccer game (LA Galaxy ROCKS! YEAH! well atleast they did in the one game I ever saw them in) which was awesome of course. Except for when they turned us away at the gate because they were afraid the 2 bottles of cherry 7up and the delicious Slim Jim beef snack in my backpack would put their concessions stand out of business. In the word of Raevyn via the mexican man who sat in front of us at the game and chastised the team: "Idiotas!"

We played RISK a couple of nights. Now I see what all the pooplah is about. This game is great! But we all called it quits after getting pissed at my brother for kicking everyone's ass. Check this out! It was going to be my turn soon and I was going to cash in my risk cards for 50 armies and then take back North America and conquer my brothers crappy south america all in one fell swoop!

One night my brother took us to little tokyo which is just a bunch of porn stores masquerading as japanese porn stores. In other words: awesome for me!

In summary because I'm tired of writing all these paragraphs: LA is awesome with it's smog and palm trees and slow speed car chases and late night dating shows (shipmates!). My brother let me drive on the freeway a couple times. Went to the California Science Center where I got freaked out by the earthquake simulator (school is cool tip for other cities: if you are known for your devestating earthquakes, don't treat your tourists to fake earthquakes). We all saw Space Station 3D at the IMAX (stereo visual badness!!1 must see! xoxoxo! LOL!) by USC where my brother's girlfriend attends because she's such a badass. Did lots of shopping. Visited grandmother near San Diego where we shopped more. OK that's it! Thanks LA for not being anything like the movie Judgement Night starring thug Denis Leary except for when that guy tried to kill us with (sell to us) a bouquet of roses while we were stopped at a traffic light.

P.S.: Thanks to Raevyn for keeping my head on straight in L.A.