2003-03-04 1:13 p.m.
The Cars Complete Greatest Hits

On our drive home last night I was looking ahead and saw a bunch of cars hitting their breaks and swerving around something. I saw all the brake lights lighting up at once and then slowly flowing around the obstacle like a small stream that had been impeded by a stone. We had happened upon a fresh accident scene. There weren't any cops there yet. There was a motorcycle laying in the middle of the road with it's turn signal on and a black 4Runner upside down in a ditch that divides the highway.

I was expecting a gruesome scene and the first thing I thought was to grab my digicam from the backseat and here I come! Good taste prevailed so I didn't reach for the digicam, and besides, there wasn't anything horrific to see that I could tell. The motorcycle helmet on the bank to the side wasnt filled with decapitated head. I couldn't find the motorcyclist though. Was he trapped under the 4Runner? Was he the shirtless guy walking on the side of the road? Was that guy an undead motorcyclist? I wonder if the people in the 4Runner were OK. As we drove past Shelly asked if I wanted the digicam. We're so alike! Either that or she can read my mind. I don't think she can though because she never knows what I want for dinner!

Why do people walk in the middle of the road in parking lots? Don't they know that the middle of the road is the car's sidewalk? A million years from now people won't do that anymore. Not because we won't have parking lots anymore, smarty skirt, but because the process of natural selection will have weeded those people out of the gene pool and into the gene zoo where it's a 24/7 party with beer, gorillas and only chicks invited!!!1!

I did an alternate DVD commentary for Jimmy's Livejournal entry. Click on the comments to see it.