2003-03-09 3:17 p.m.
Gonzo not penis

I have been approved. My line of credit is unlimited:

A girl bought about 12 of these things from the sticker machine right before me. I think she may have robbed a payphone because I can't think of any other way someone could obtain enough quarters to do that.

There's this girl that works at the place I get my hair cut at. I thought nothing of her until a friend of mine said she and a bunch of other chicks had sex with his friend's dad. I still think nothing of her but now whenever I see her there's an implied cock in her mouth. I hope she doesn't ever cut my hair. If she asks how long I want my hair on the top I might say something like "slut inches please." I've been watching Stella Comedy Group videos lately so I'll be using the word "cock" more often. Actually, to save me some effort, please mentally insert the word "cock" into my sentences every 4 words or so.

Miss Maleficusasdvzszzzx left me another guestbook entry. Here it is, placed inside IDIOT html tags. If your browser supports the feature, the following text should be spoken aloud to you in the most moronic voice imaginable. Feel free to spritz your face with water to approximate the effect of someone spit-talking at you.

<IDIOT> thanks for the extra traffic. ~.^ *MWAH* </IDIOT>

Yes, people will follow links to ANYTHING. Have you been to Byron Allen's Home Page yet? What are you waiting for???/ [That second link was originally going to go to a picture of a human body decomposing inside a snake but I couldn't find one. If you have this picture please send it to [email protected] along with a suitable death threat]

It truly takes me 2+ hours to do an entry. I'm going to spend no longer than 15 minutes on my next entry and see how that turns out. When will I wake up to the fact that my writing is forced and unentertaining? Never. If I believed in facts I wouldn't pretend to be Aragorn son of Arathorn everytime I watch MTV: "This music is shit. Ever and anon. Made is awesome."