2003-04-10 4:22 p.m.
welcome to future

Sorry I fell into a cryosleep chamber and I only now have been released so that I can face a brave new future. Please do not attack me robot death squads; I am but a peaceful traveller from another ti -- GACCKKKKKUGGHHLLLLLLL!!!!!1

[Robot Human Termination Unit 1059]: beep beep
Human scum has been terminated.
Commence body dismemberment.
Dismemberment complete.
Commence smoke break

I got accepted to be a beta tester on an upcoming computer game. I lied on my application and said I was a girl because girls are under represented in video game markets and game makers want their games to be marketable to girls. I plan on reporting bugs such as "Interface not pink enough" and "suggestion: please replace soundtrack with all Justin Timberlake music, also can Avril Lavigne be a playable character?" Let's hope my lie doesn't snowball like in the movie Just one of the Guys and conclude with me having to show my enamoured internet boyfriend my penis so that he'll believe I'm a man and stop trying to have sex with me.

Current Chewbacca-in-love-with status: Very