2003-09-04 9:51 a.m.
Cyberterror rears its adorable head

Jeffrey Lee Parson, suspected cyberterrorist and probable author of over 1000 Star Wars fanfics*, had this to say in his defense, "I just want to tell ... people they're mad at the wrong guy." I'm inclined to agree with him. Looking at his highschool photo I'd say anyone who could be mad at that face shouldn't be trusted around anything that's a few inches long, surrounded by fur, and easily grasped with one hand (kittens! I'm trying to say kittens!!!). That, and the variant of the virus he released infected 7000 computers; I'm going to posit that 99.9% of those computers were engaged in the mission critical processes of whiling away the time with solitaire and taking quizzes to find out which Lucious Malfoy cape you are. If you're part of the 0.1% that was using their computer to operate the Hoover dam then feel free put down the kittens and be mad.

Now that cyberterror has been defined as anything on the internet that annoys you, I wonder what they will call it when Blade Runner finally happens and computers start actually killing people. My suggestion: ROBOTERROR. ROBOT ERROR#$%%@##&6^^.

* Fan-written works of fiction that use characters and plots from established stories.