2003-09-19 4:36 p.m.
I Should Have Your Job

Shelly needs to replace her cell phone with a tri-band GSM model that we can use while we're in France, so we did some research, created a short list of candidates, which included phones with everything from built-in digital cameras to MP3 players, and then shortened that list to include the only phone on the list that we could get for free. In order to get the phone for free she has to get a new plan and order it off the Web. So we decided instead to go to the AT&T kiosk in the mall and pay $50 for the phone. We walked up, Shelly told the salesman we needed to upgrade to a GSM phone, pointed at the exact phone we wanted in the display case and said, "I wan't this one."

At this point the salesman laughed at us and used his most patronizing voice to ask what we needed a GSM phone for, as if we didn't know what GSM was and just wanted it because someone told us it makes your phone taste like candy. Shelly told him we needed it for use overseas, to which both of the salesmen there replied that the phone we wanted wouldn't work, which is of course bullshit. They then directed us to the next model up which costs three times as much and is apparently not sold by them anymore. Shelly and I are both geeks, and ever since I saw the movie D.A.R.Y.L. I've been convinced that I'm actually an android with a heart of gold; in other words, we know what we're talking about, assholes. From what I can tell, their employee training consisted of reading a manual that taught them how to talk customers out of buying the product they want and then try to sell them a product you don't even have.

Speaking of manuals, I don't even need them; when I assembled my weight set my first step was to scratch out step 1 in the manual and replace it with "Throw out manual," and then I assembled the weight set in a configuration that I decided would be optimal for my strength building needs. The end result is that my back is now completely useless, but I can now use my eyelids to lift heavy objects.

Shelly and I left the kiosk empty handed. Those guys didn't know shit. I could understand that if you worked at Best Buy and were required to know the technical features and merits of a range of products, from DVD players to flatbed scanners, but if you work in a kiosk that sells 10 variants of the same product, not knowing accurate technical features of each of those products is pretty fucking inexcusable.