2004-01-22 1:56 p.m.
J.Lo and Ben break it off and I spell J.oL's name wrong

The Hulk - Liked it. It's as good as X-Men 2, plus the Hulk jumps really high, just like he may or may not do in the comics (I wouldn't know - I'm only 40% nerd. My remaining 60% is comprised of a highly advanced target acquisition system and a bank of Hellfire missiles that definitely don't work at all, but if they did...). In the movie they call Hulk "Angryman", which I know you'll agree is totally rad. The best part of the movie was where the Hulk leaped 20 stories into the air before plummeting into a daycare center with the force of a V2 rocket, and then turned to Diane Keaton and said "now THAT'S what I call a Baby Boom! HA HA HA! Get it?? OH CRAP THE BABIES! Uh... Hulk not understand?"

Chewbacca - Still awesome. You too, Big Z.

Mr. Winkle 2004 calendar - Still hanging on the wall in my bedroom, and still a HUGE threat to national security. I've thought about going to the FBI, but I'm pretty sure he has my phones tapped, and besides, who would believe that a lovable dog calendar was trying to overthrow the government and ruin my Super Mario World game by shouting "DON'T FALL!" everytime I'm about to jump over a pit? Last year I managed to fool the Mr. Winkle 2003 calendar into inaction by writing "Mr. Winkle's Birthday! Lucky You!" on all the days of the year on the calendar, keeping him too busy celebrating to begin his invasion. But I don't think that will work again, and I can't afford another 365 birthday cakes. And now that he thinks he's 2590 dog years old he's utterly convinced of his immortality and even more emboldened in his cause.