Apr. 20, 2004 13 o'clock! oh crap
Special WTF was THAT? edition

I hate being Johnny come lately - three years late in this case - but I'd like to share with you this sordid email exchange between Freaks and Geeks executive producer Judd Apatow and That 70s Show somethinger Mark Brazil. Again, so sorry for sitting on my hands and doing nothing about this back in 2001, when it could have made a difference. Lives have been lost and for that I apologize. See Mr. The President? Was that soooo hard?? Also, did you see how I highlighted the titles of those television shows? That's not easy; so far the only people that know how to do it is me and The New York Times. There - I did it again!

Here's something else: Shelly's neck hurts. Serves her right! She's always walking around talking about how smart she is, how her brain is bigger than mine and prettier, too. Well, guess what, Captain Planet-for-a-Brain: big brains weigh a lot. Of course your neck is going to hurt after supporting so much weight all these years. Lay down and stop telling me how to spell. Doctor's orders!