2003-10-01 5:01 p.m.
Where the Future is Bored.

My day started out innocuously enough, then it got really good, just perfect. YOU COULDN'T WANT A MORE PERFECT DAY! But then this lady-- well, you see, there must be some competition I don't know about where people try to out-stupid one another, and the winner gets a shopping spree at Ben Franklin Crafts, because this lady is old and dumb. My point is that old people like craft stores, and this lady is 5 for 5 when it comes to doing stupid things that ruin my day. She's my travel agent; she once booked a flight for Shelly and I, and placed us in different rows, even though there was plenty of space on the flight for us to sit next to eachother. That's just an example. Fuck her! That's just an example.