2001-07-03 3:32 p.m.
postcards from the edgy
the guy who has a white van with the steering wheel on the wrong side, or "the postman" as i have heard others refer to him, delivered a letter to me and raevyn. it was from yamato and it was also from japan. the letter was puffy, but not because it contained japanese school girl underwear WHICH WAS THE ONLY THING I ASKED FOR!!! THANKS YAMATO! THANKS FOR MAKING EVERYONE HAVE TO READ THIS SENTENCE IN CAPS! AND THANKS FOR MAKING ME HAVE TO HOLD DOWN THE LEFT SHIFT KEY WITH MY PINKY BECAUSE I REFUSE TO PRESS A KEY THAT SAYS "COCK PALS" IF YOU REARRANGE THE LETTERS IN YOUR HEAD AS I HAVE CLEARLY TAKEN THE TIME TO DO.

Anyway, the letter came in an envelope decorated with commie bears, or "pandas." I actually raised my arms high in the air and made quotes with my fingers as i said "pandas" in my head, which probably freaked out my office mate.

She informed raevyn and I of all the neat technologies japan employs to maintain superiority over the united states. technologies such as wearing special slippers when going to the bathroom, and wearing less special slippers when using the bathroom of a socially inferior citizen. Another technology they make use of is called not-having-mormons.

She also wrote about a japanese punk band that sings songs about smelling girls underwear.

Raevyn and I are going to oregon in august. any place with a name that sounds like something thats in my body has got to be worth visiting.