2001-12-10 2:01 p.m.
Day of Infamy part II: Dead by Dawn
"Don't be ridiculous, we don't need two elves." Me in response to raevyn's insistance that we purchase a second Canon elph2 camera.

i spent the entire weekend playing luigi's mansion for Nintendo Gamecube. this game rox0rs. any abhorent feelings i had toward the japanese for kicking the shit out of us in the attack on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent virtual attacks in the movies Tora Tora Tora and Micheal Bay's Pearl Harbor were gradually forgotten as i wandered around the mansion sucking up ghosts, solving puzzles and taking on boss characters. With luigi's mansion not only has the former empire of japan issued a formal interactive entertainment apology for essentially kicking my country in the balls, but it also allowed me to fulfill choices 2 and 3 on my "List of preferred professions", Ghost Buster and Italian Plumber respectively.

raevyn and i have been living in our own house for the past few weeks which has been really great and is everything i'd hoped it would be, namely devoid of her grandmother.