Apr. 14, 2004
Russia won

I'm not a judgmental person. I'm not even an opinionated person. The moment I formulate an opinion on something I immediately store it in the deepest recess of my brain, where it stands no chance of ever being retrieved. If you were to ask me my opinion on last night's press conference held by Bush, a cute little electronic signal would travel through my brain's synapses, searching for the opinion, but like a man paddling his raft against the river's mighty current, its progress would be quickly stifled by a million desultory thoughts -- most of which are about Ranma Saotome pouring cold water over himself and growing tits.

The official website of prominent video game publisher THQ, however, is a loudmouthed, crass jerk. And it is LOADED with opinions, such as this one about your mom, and this one about your mom's offspring -- you! Let's face it, as long the words you use to rail against the world's injustices are rendered in the MS Comic Sans font, no one's going to listen. But the use of the official font of prominent video game publisher THQ lends creedence to these opinions. In fairness, the opinions of the official website of prominent video game publisher THQ are not completely loathsome.